Privacy Policy

Last updated 31/07/24

1. Who are we?

We are Socially Group Limited, the data controller responsible for your personal data. Our registered office is at 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, England N1 7GU. You can contact us at [email protected]. Please contact us if you have any questions or feedback about this policy.

2. What’s the point of this policy?

2.1 This policy tells you how we deal with your “personal data” (i.e., technical term for information about any identified or identifiable living person). Please read on to find out what kinds of personal data we collect, how we use and protect it, to whom we disclose it, and how you can access and rectify it.

2.2 Please do not use our website or mobile application unless you are completely happy with this policy. If you do use our website or mobile application, we will assume that you do accept it.

3. Might the policy change?

3.1 It may well do, and so you should check it whenever you visit our website. We will assume you agree to the revised policy if you use the website after the effective date shown at the top of the policy.

4. What personal or other data do we collect?

4.1 We collect and store the information which you give us via forms on our website - such as your name, address, email address, phone number, and so on - or when communicating with us by email or in some other way.

4.2 We may receive and store certain information automatically when you interact with our website or the Loop mobile application. Examples include the internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the internet, connection information such as browser type and version, information about your mobile or other device including device-type and device identifier, operating system and platform, a unique reference number linked to the data you enter on our system, login details, clickstream data, details of your activity on our website with date/time stamps including the pages you visited, searches you made and services purchased.

4.3 If you grant Loop permission, we may collect and use personal information from you as follows:

  • Location services: Allow Loop to use your location to find nearby activities.
  • Camera: Allow Loop to use your camera to take photos for your profile pictures.
  • Photos: Allow Loop to access your photo library to upload images to your profile.

5. What about cookies?

5.1 We and/or third parties use cookies and other tracking technologies on our website. A cookie is an identifier (a small file of letters and numbers) that is sent to your computer. Our website’s functionality will be limited if you configure your browser to reject cookies.

5.2 Cookies are widely used to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the website owner or others. Session cookies are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser only until your browser is closed. They allow websites to link your actions during a browser session. Persistent cookies stay in the cookie file of your browser for longer (though how long will depend on the lifetime of the specific cookie). For further information on cookies, including how to use your browser to block them and how to delete cookies already stored on your device, visit:

5.3 Cookies are used on this website for the following purposes:

  • Session cookies: We use session cookies to enable the website to keep track of your movement from page to page and store your selections so you do not get asked repeatedly for the same information. These cookies allow you to proceed through many pages of the website quickly and easily without having to authenticate or reprocess each new area you visit. For example, the session cookie remembers your shopping cart selection so will have the items you selected when you are ready to check out.
  • Third-party advertising cookies: As do many other sites, we may use third-party advertisers and/or internet advertising companies working for them to fill ad space on our website. These third parties may use persistent cookies and other similar technologies (known as action tags, single-pixel gifs, and web beacons) to assess information about your visits to this and other sites. This is so they can track the effectiveness of their campaigns (including whether these advertisements are clicked on or viewed by users and later purchases by such users), avoid showing you the same advertisement repeatedly, and display advertisements on this and other sites tailored to your preferences. We do not have any access to or control over these third-party technologies. If you would like more information about these practices and to know your choices about not having this information used by certain of these companies, please visit and Please contact the third parties directly for more information about their privacy practices.
  • Google cookies: Persistent cookies (up to four years we believe) are set in connection with the following Google services on our site and these cookies may involve certain non-personally identifying information being sent to Google:
  • Google Analytics (GA): We use cookies to recognize and count the number of website visitors as well as providing other information about the visit such as duration, route through the website, and what sites the visitor came from. This information helps us to improve the way our website works, for example by making sure users find what they need easily.
  • Google advertising cookies (AdSense, Doubleclick): Google uses cookies in connection with Google advertising on our website to serve ads to you based on your visits to this and other websites, to avoid showing you repeat ads, and for various other purposes.
  • GA Advertising Features: We may use the following GA Advertising Features: Remarketing with GA / Google Display Network Impression Reporting / GA Demographics and Interest Reporting / Integrated services that require GA to collect data via advertising cookies and anonymous identifiers. These features involve GA collecting data via Google or other advertising cookies including for display of ads which may be of interest based on your visits to this and other sites. You can specifically opt out of GA here. See below for other opt-out routes.
  • More information and opt-out: Click here for Google’s privacy policy and here for more information about the kinds of cookies placed by Google. Click here for information about how Google uses data from its partners’ sites or apps as well as how to opt out of Google cookies.
  • Social media cookies: We may use various social media and other third-party features on our website and Loop mobile application, including the like button from Facebook, follow button from Twitter, Plus +1 button from Google, Pin It button from Pinterest, share/follow button from LinkedIn, embed button from YouTube. We also, with your permission, will display your Instagram feed on your Loop profile page. These features may involve the relevant companies using cookies or linking your visit with cookies previously placed by them on your computer in order for them to collect information relating to your visit to our website or your interaction with their services or otherwise. Click the links shown above for further information about the specific features and those companies’ cookie/privacy practices generally as well as to opt-out where this is possible.
  • Cookie-warning cookie: This cookie takes note of whether you are happy to accept cookies on this website based on your response to the message which appeared when you first visited the website. This persistent cookie will remember your preference for up to 12 months.

  • 5.4 By continuing to use our website, having seen our cookie notice, we assume that you consent to the use of the cookies outlined above.

    6. How do we use your personal data?

    6.1 We use your personal data to provide our services, e.g., send service messages, process payments, and/or fulfil orders.

    6.2 We use your personal data to help us communicate with you effectively should you try to contact us via our website.

    6.3 If you have given permission on our website, we may use your personal data to send you emails (or other communications such as mail, phone, or SMS) with details of our or third-party goods or services which may be of interest to you including information about special offers or promotions.

    6.4 We may use personal data to recognize you when you visit or return to our website to track anonymised traffic and usage patterns, to prevent or detect fraud or abuses, or to help us improve our website. We may use cookies to do this. See above.

    6.5 We retain personal data from closed accounts in order to comply with legal obligations, enforce our terms and conditions, prevent fraud, collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, and take other actions as permitted by law.

    6.6 We may access, remove, alter, store, or otherwise use any personal data if we have reason to believe that it breaches our terms and conditions, or that such steps are necessary to protect us or others, or that a criminal act has been committed, or if we are required to do so by law or appropriate authority.

    7. How do we protect personal data?

    7.1 Security is the highest priority for us. We take appropriate precautions to protect personal data. We use encryption to protect personal information stored and transmitted online. Only personnel who need the personal information to perform a specific function have access to such.

    7.2 Email and other electronic communications are not secure if they have not been encrypted. Your communications will pass through a number of network nodes before they reach us. So we do not accept responsibility for any unauthorised access to or loss of personal data that stems from a cause beyond our control. Nor can we be held responsible for the actions or omissions of other users or third parties who may misuse your personal data which they collect from the website.

    7.3 The computers and servers on which we store personal information are kept in a secure environment.

    8. To whom do we disclose personal data?

    8.1 Payment details, including credit card numbers, are supplied directly to our payment partner mentioned on our website. We do not receive such information. To ensure your details are not being used without consent, your personal data may be supplied by our payment partners to relevant third parties including credit reference and fraud prevention agencies, who may keep a record of that information.

    8.2 We may allow access to your personal data by third parties who supply us with a service. Examples include e-commerce platform providers, website hosts, content delivery networks, and businesses that assist us in undertaking communications or monitoring our website.

    8.3 Any information which you enter into your profile (including your full name and age) plus any photo plus any post you make on our website (such as status updates) will be available to and searchable by users of our website.

    8.4 We may disclose personal data so far as reasonably necessary:

    • a) if we have reason to believe that it breaches our terms and conditions, or that such steps are necessary to protect us or others, or that a criminal act has been committed, or if there has been a complaint about content posted by you, or if we are required to do so by law or appropriate authority; or
    • b) in the case of an actual or proposed (including negotiations for a) sale or merger or business combination involving all or the relevant part of our business.

    8.5 We may store or transfer personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) for the purposes stated in this policy. If so, we will of course comply with the applicable laws relating to data transfer outside the EEA.

    8.6 Except as otherwise specifically included in this policy, this document addresses only the use and disclosure of information we collect from you. If you disclose your information to third parties, whether they are suppliers of services on our website (e.g., payment providers) or other websites, different rules will apply to their use or disclosure of your information. Please check their privacy policies carefully.

    8.7 Loop integrates the following third-party services that are not requesting any permission:

    • abseil
    • Alamofire
    • BoringSSL-GRPC
    • DeepDiff
    • Firebase
    • FirebaseAnalytics
    • FirebaseAuth
    • FirebaseCore
    • FirebaseCoreDiagnostics
    • FirebaseFirestore
    • FirebaseFirestoreSwift
    • FirebaseFunctions
    • FirebaseInstallations
    • FirebaseInstanceID
    • FirebaseMessaging
    • FirebaseStorage
    • GoogleAppMeasurement
    • GoogleDataTransport
    • GoogleUtilities
    • gRPC-C++
    • gRPC-Core
    • GTMSessionFetcher
    • IQKeyboardManager
    • leveldb-library
    • libwebp
    • lottie-ios
    • nanopb
    • OpenWeatherMapKit
    • PhoneNumberKit
    • PromisesObjc
    • Protobuf
    • SwiftyJSON

    All third-party services may receive technical information about your device, for example, its IP address or operating system. Also, they may keep personal information over time and across different apps and websites.

    9. How can you access and rectify personal data?

    9.1 You have the right to request personal data that we hold about you, subject to us reserving the right to withhold such data to the extent permitted by law. We may charge an administration fee in line with data protection laws, and we may also require appropriate evidence of identity. Note that you may be able to rectify a certain amount of your personal data within your account on our service (if applicable).

    10. How long do we keep your personal data?

    10.1 We process personal data only for so long as is necessary for the purpose(s) for which it was originally collected, after which it will be deleted or archived except to the extent that it is necessary for us to continue to process it for the purpose of compliance with legal obligations to which we are subject or for another legitimate and lawful purpose.

    11. What are your rights?

    11.1 You have the following rights in relation to personal data relating to you that we process:

    • a) You may request access to the personal data concerned.
    • b) You may request that incorrect personal data that we are processing be rectified.
    • c) In certain circumstances (normally where it is no longer necessary for us to continue to process it), you may be entitled to request that we erase the personal data concerned.
    • d) Where we are processing your personal data for marketing purposes or otherwise based on our legitimate interests, you may in certain circumstances have a right to object to that processing.
    • e) Where we are processing personal data relating to you on the basis of your prior consent to that processing (such as in relation to marketing by email), you may withdraw your consent, after which we shall stop the processing concerned.

    11.2 To exercise any of your rights (including withdrawing relevant consents or obtaining access to your personal data), you should contact us via [email protected].

    11.3 If you have a complaint about any processing of your personal data being conducted by us, you can contact us or lodge a formal complaint with the Information Commissioner.

    The Information Commissioner is the supervisory authority in the UK and can provide further information about your rights and our obligations in relation to your personal data, as well as deal with any complaints that you have about our processing of your personal data. For information about your rights under UK data protection laws, see the website of the UK Information Commissioner.